Customers and businesses both benefit when a business is reviewed on Google. Customers can make informed decisions based on information from people they trust. Businesses can strengthen their relationship with customers by directly engaging with reviewers on Google. Now you can quickly share a link to your Google Business Reviews in just one click!
To encourage fast and easy reviews for your business:
1.) Go to your Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business) page
If you do not know how to get to your Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business) page, click this link “Search Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business) ” type in your business name and city.
2.) Make sure that you are on your “About Page”
Your URL should look similar to this “”
3.) In the URL after the /about type “?review=1”
My URL looks like this
This link will open your Google Business Page with the review window right on top. Allowing customers to leave a review with just one click!
4.) Use the hyperlink on your website or embed it on a graphic or text in your email correspondence.
Happy Googling
CKREU knows exactly how to leverage the most powerful search, display and video platforms in the world to ensure that you’re showing up when and where you want to be found.
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