

Attorneys and Professional Service Providers Benefit from Utilizing Callout Extensions

Callout Extensions are so easy to use I’m surprised to see they are not utilized more often. Simply put callout extensions are non-clickable additional lines of descriptive text that identify additional attributes around the ads main offer.

Callout extensions are very similar to sitelink extensions but with the one big difference, there is no link. Sitelink extensions are not new. They are the call-to-action, clickable callouts in an ad. The newer callout extensions are an additional line of descriptive text that you can utilize to market your professional services, in terms of unique offerings and benefits of doing business with you.

An additional bonus from using both sitelink and callout extensions is your ad will roughly be 20% taller by adding an additional line of text to your ads. This helps crowd out your competitors and bring more attention to your particular ad. Callout extensions will appear in both desktop and mobile, but on desktop will only display in the top three positions. In mobile, there are only two positions. So you’ll need good ad rank – a good combination of quality score and bid – to be eligible.

Tip: I recommend creating the maximum of four callout extensions to ensure as many callouts as possible are eligible to appear.

Check out the chart below to determine when you should use either sitelink extensions or callout extensions.

example callout extension

Callout extensions show valuable information to potential customers before they click on your ad. Targeted callouts attract and inform users, keeping potential customers focused on the main message, while highlighting valuable details to help them make informed decisions. For attorneys and other professional service providers, using this extra feature in combination with sitelink extensions will benefit in attracting and converting qualified individual(s) into paid clients.

Want to learn more about all available ad extensions, download our essential guide.

Ad Extensions – Increasing Choice and Relevancy



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